Coming soonWe're building a better way to interact online

Zeta is a new social network that puts you in control of your data, privacy and online safety. We're currently in closed beta, and we're looking for people to join our waitlist.

Join the waitlist to get notified when it's your turn.

We care about the protection of your data. Read our Privacy Policy.


Community empowerment

Just like the real world, communities are the center of social interactions. You can join communities that are based on your interests, your location, or your favorite sports team. You can also create your own communities and invite your friends to join.

All features

Here are some of the features of the app. The next top priorities are also listed.

Invite your friends

Once you're in the beta, you'll be able to invite your friends to join you on the platform.


Get notified when someone interacts with you on the platform.

Long posts

Tired of the 280 character limit? In Zeta, you can write as much as you want in your publications.

Basic search

Search for users, communities, and publications. We'll be adding more search options in the future.

Global timeline

Since it's going to be quiet in the beginning, there's a global timeline to help you discover new content.

Available on all devices

Zeta is web based, that means you can use it on your computer, tablet, or phone.

Safety tools

Block users, report posts, automatically filter out offensive content, and more. Zeta should be a safe place for everyone.


The current version is not very accessible, but it's a top priority to make it fully accessible before the official launch.

Frequently asked questions

When will Zeta launch?
Not sure! We need to make sure the app is safe and accessible to everyone first. We'll be launching as soon as possible.
How can I help?
Join the waitlist and share the app with your friends! Also, feedback is very important to us, so please let us know what you think.
How can I contact you?
You can send us an email at
Who is behind Zeta?
Zeta is a project by
Will Zeta become Open Source?
I would love to make Zeta open source. However, that's a long term goal that depends on the success of the app.
Can I talk about cryptocurrencies on Zeta?
Only in private communities. Zeta is not a place to promote cryptocurrencies publicly. If we notice that a community is promoting cryptocurrencies, we'll remove it.
Can I talk about politics on Zeta?
Yes. But keep in mind that freedom of speech is not absolute. If you're promoting hate speech, we'll ban your account.
Can I publish NSFW content?
Not yet, but we'll allow it in the future on private communities when the app is bit more mature.
Where is my data stored?
Our servers are in the European Union. We won't share your data with third parties unless required by law.
Can I delete my account?
Yes, you can delete your account at any time. We'll also delete all your data in the following 30 days.

Want to be part of the future of social media?Join the waitlist